Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Animations
2) Communication
3) Containers
4) Data
5) Events
6) Graphics
7) Shapes
8) UI Controls
UI Controls
1) A basic CheckBox setup
2) A basic DataGrid
3) A basic Popup
4) A basic ProgressBar
5) A basic Slider to choose between 1 and 10
6) A basic Style definition The text in the TextBox is entered at runtime
7) A basic TextBlock in action
8) A basic TextBlock using the Canvas element Left and Top attached properties
9) A Cancellable ProgressBar While Processing on a Background Thread
10) A CheckBox with a skew transformation
11) A ComboBox that has been used to select an item
12) A HyperlinkButton in action
13) A ListBox that displays the days of the week
14) A MediaElement referencing a client-side playlist
15) A MediaElement that uses absolute syntax
16) A MediaElement that uses relative syntax
17) A multiline text box
18) A RadioButton control with a nested Content property element that includes a TextBlock element
19) A TextBlock with Inline elements
20) Add a simple ListBoxItem, a TextBlock, a StackPanel to ListBox
21) Add Border to Button
22) Add Border to TextBlock
23) Add buttons to a Canvas with code
24) Add CheckBox to StackPanel
25) Add TextBlock into a Grid
26) Add Tooltips to a Button
27) Adding a Binding to a TextBox from C#
28) Adding a rounded rectangle background to a TextBlock element
29) An ItemTemplate used in an ItemsControl (a ListBox, to be precise)
30) An indeterminate ProgressBar
31) Animate TextBox Font Size
32) Animates the text blocks color
33) Animates the text blocks opacity(fading text)
34) Animates the text blocks width
35) Applying a Border to Elements
36) Assign your own class to DataContent and bind to TextBox
37) Basic Template
38) Bind data to TextBlock
39) Bind Slider to TextBlock
40) Binding a property to a TextBox in XAML
41) Binding ProgressBar with Slider
42) Border with LinearGradientBrush
43) Button click event
44) Button Click event handler
45) Button Clip
46) Button controls provide several properties that can be set to customize the look and feel of the control
47) Button HorizontalAlignment=Center
48) Button Template
49) Button with OpacityMask
50) Calendar control
51) Calendar picker from System Windows Controls
52) Calendar selection changed event
53) Change Border Background
54) Change the font for a run of text by setting the FontFamily and FontSize properties
55) Changing the look of a Button through a Template
56) Check if a CheckBox is checked
57) Check Media duration
58) CheckBox controls can be declared in XAML with several different properties that enhance their look and feel
59) Click to rotate a Button
60) Click to scale a Button
61) Clip a media element
62) Content in ComboBox Items
63) Convert event send to Button
64) Create an animated Popup control
65) Creating a Button
66) Creating a Button that enlarges when a user hovers over it
67) Creating a Button that transitions when a user hovers, or leaves
68) Creating a Calendar
69) Creating a CheckBox
70) Creating a DatePicker
71) Creating a ListBox
72) Creating a MediaElement
73) Creating a RadioButton
74) Creating a ScrollBar
75) Creating a Slider
76) Creating a TextBlock
77) Creating a TextBox
78) Creating a ToggleButton
79) Creating an OpenFileDialog
80) Customizing the Default ListBoxItem UI
81) Date Picker Demo
82) Declaring the ItemsPanel to arrange the Items of an ItemsControl
83) Default baseline decoration
84) Default overline decoration
85) Default underline decoration
86) Define a border around a single Button control setting the BorderThickness and BorderBrush properties
87) Demonstrating the various VerticalAlignment and HoriztonalAlignment options
88) Display a Password Entry Box and get the input
89) Download Progress event for MediaElement
90) Ellipse with Hand cursor
91) Empowering your users to sort the columns of a DataGrid
92) Explicitly set FontWeight and FontStyle properties to Normal or set the TextDecorations property to None
93) Feed news head line to DataGrid
94) Fill HeaderedItemsControl
95) Fill RSS feed to DataGrid
96) Flashing Button
97) Gradient background button
98) Gradient text
99) Html integration with Silverlight
100) HyperlinkButton and Url
101) Image and text for Tooltip
102) Image Button by resource
103) Implementing a DataGrid Control
104) Implements a TextBlock to Display Key Data Captured from a TextBox Control
105) Implements the x
106) Inherited formatting
107) IsIndeterminate ProgressBar
108) ListBox data binding
109) ListBoxItem style
110) Loading media content that has been downloaded on demand
111) Manually adding columns to a DataGrid
112) Manually controlling RadioButton groupings
113) Media player
114) Media volumn control
115) MediaElement events
116) MediaElement Stretch
117) MediaElement with mms protocol
118) Moving a TextBlock 5 pixels at a time by using the GetValue and SetValue methods
119) Normal Slider (Max=100, Val=10)
120) Open a Popup
121) Padding a border element
122) Password Box with password changed event
123) Password for PasswordBox
124) PasswordBox with Margin
125) Place a border around several Button controls contained in a StackPanel
126) Play wmv media file
127) Playing Video
128) Polygon as Button content
129) Popup with TextBlock
130) ProgressBar and Animation
131) Put Button and TextBlock to Canvas
132) Put Button onto a Grid
133) Put Image to ListBox
134) Put Run block to TextBlock
135) RadioButton click event
136) RadioButton group
137) RadioButton with GroupName
138) Reference source for TextBox
139) Reference static resource for TextBlock
140) Removing a Binding from a TextBox
141) Repeat Button and Click event
142) Resource for TextBlock, TextBox and Button
143) Retrieving the selection of an OpenFileDialog
144) Run elements, each with its own font size, color, and typeface
145) Scaled text
146) Set AcceptsReturn, VerticalScrollBarVisibility, HorizontalScrollBarVisibility for TextBox
147) Set BorderBrush
148) Set Click Mode for Button
149) Set current time to TextBlock
150) Set Different Font for Item for ComboBox
151) Set font size and font family for TextBlock
152) Set Foreground color for TextBlock
153) Set foreground color to green for TextBlock
154) Set Margins for TextBlock in Grid Resource
155) Set MediaElement Opacity
156) Set Min width and max width for Button
157) Set MinimunMaximum value for Slider
158) Set RepeatButton content in its click event
159) Set Text value for TextBlock
160) Set TextWrapping to True for TextBlock
161) Set the BorderThickness property and BorderBrush property
162) Set up TabControl with Code
163) Setting Focus for Keyboard Input
164) Setting the Cursor of a FrameworkElement at design time
165) Setting the Foreground of a TextBlock at design time
166) Show a Continuous Progress Bar While Processing on a Background Thread
167) Show a ProgressBar While Processing on a Background Thread
168) Show the NaturalDuration of a MediaElement
169) Simple Button Template
170) Simple ControlTemplate
171) Skewed text
172) Stack three button elements vertically
173) TabControl with TabItem header
174) Template Binding
175) Template Parts
176) Template States
177) TextBlock alignment example
178) TextBlock formatting example
179) TextBlock VerticalAlignment
180) TextBlock with DropShadowEffect
181) TextBlock wrapping example
182) TextBox changed event
183) TextBox Focus event
184) TextBox Key event
185) TextBox selection changed event
186) The button and text block are up-side down in the custom coordinate system
187) The default appearances of a checked and unchecked RadioButton
188) The default look of a TextBox The TextBox in this case is defined within a StackPanel
189) The effects of the Padding property on a TextBlock
190) The syntax of the PasswordBox
191) Timeline marker for MediaElement
192) To display a paragraph of text, you can use the TextBlock element
193) To introduce additional paragraphs, you can use the LineBreak element
194) To specify if the text should wrap to the next line if it is wider than the Width property
195) TreeView from System Windows Controls
196) Two way data binding between Slider and ProgressBar
197) Underlining text in a TextBlock
198) Use a gradient to paint TextBlock
199) Use a Thumb to resize a Canvas control by responding to the DragDelta event
200) Use Border to wrap RadioButton
201) Use HyperlinkButton do the url navigation
202) Use ItemControl the bind data
203) Use Line break to add new line to TextBlock
204) Use RenderTransform to transform a TextBlock
205) Use Run to control the font style for TextBlock
206) Use StackPanel to Hold RadioButtons
207) Use TextBlock as ListBox item
208) Using a ContentControl 3D template
209) Using a ContentControl element
210) Using a ContentPresenter to display the Content of a ContentControl
211) Using a ControlTemplate within a Style
212) Using a ListBoxItem as a ContentControl
213) Using a TemplateBinding to use the target elements properties
214) Using an ItemsPresenterto display the Itemsof an ItemsControl
215) Using the MarkerReached event to show a caption on a MediaElement
216) Using three-state mode check boxes
217) Vertical and Horizontal ScrollBar
218) Vertical and Horizontal slider
219) Video Brush
220) Video marker
221) Video reflection
222) VideoBrush and MediaElement
223) Visual Tree Helper
224) Wrapping text within a TextBlock
225) XAML File That Defines a MediaElement Control with Playback Button and a Progress Slider Control
226) Zoom a TextBlock